30、40、50……每一個十年,都讓我們離蕞初那個稚嫩的自己越來越遠。我們總感歎時間的無情,稍縱即逝間就將青春碾碎成渣。我們總覺難以置信,看著一代代記憶中的女神逐漸老去,仿佛看到了自己芳華逝去的無奈。30, 40, 50...... Every ten years, let us from the beginning of the more distant. We always sigh of the time of the ruthless, between the youth will soon be crushed into slag. We always feel incredible, look at the memory of the generations of the goddess gradually grow old, as if to see their own youth fade helpless.
Audrey Hepburn, Sophie Marcesu......
The goddess of beauty, even if the past is better,
This time will eventually escape the butcher knife!
Time did not take away their gorgeous appearance,
But the achievements of the mature and elegant.
這些好萊塢明星,大牌加身,奢侈品無數,保養品更是品類繁多,但這些都是表面功夫!真正能讓女神駐顏的“針”功夫就是除皺、抗衰、塑形領域的“愛馬仕”——愛貝芙!The Hollywood stars, big body, luxury goods are numerous, maintenance categories, but these are superficial! Really let the goddess of beauty "needle" Kung Fu is the wrinkles, anti-aging, shaping the field of "Hermes": artecoll!
殿堂級除皺聖品愛貝芙自1985年在德國研發成功至今已有30年的歷史,在全球已經有超過100萬的愛美女士爭相注射,滿意率高達100%,是除皺抗衰領域的“愛馬仕”。愛貝芙產品的問世,打破了歲月魔“皺”,開創了人類抗衰除皺的新紀元。Chanticleer wrinkle San goods since 1985 in Germany, the successful development of Artecoll has been 30 years of history, there have been more than 1 million ladies in the world competing injection, satisfaction rate of 100%, is in the field of anti wrinkle "hermes". Artecoll product broke years of magic "wrinkle", creating a new era of human anti wrinkle.
愛貝芙中含有80%膠原蛋白和20%PMMA微球。注射進去的膠原蛋白起到支撐作用。由於PMMA微球被人體產生的膠原蛋白緊緊地包裹而不會發生移動,持久地維持填充部位皮下膠原蛋白的動態平衡。所以愛貝芙具有其他填充劑無法比擬的長久塑形效果,可維持10年之久!Artecoll containing 80% collagen and 20%PMMA microspheres. Injected into the collagen to play a supporting role. Because the PMMA microspheres are tightly wrapped by the human body and can not move, it can maintain the dynamic balance of the subcutaneous collagen. So with other incomparable Artecoll filler for shaping effect can be maintained for 10 years!
面部衰老出現皺紋、凹陷、鬆弛下垂等,不僅僅有軟組織的流逝導致,還包括骨骼萎縮。愛貝芙是可注射假體,採用骨膜外層注射,惟一具有骨性延伸改變骨骼形態功能的注射產品。修復衰老造成的骨骼容積減少,修復衰老輪廓,支撐鬆弛的肌肉韌帶,讓皮膚緊致、提升,飽滿、年輕。Facial aging wrinkles, depression, relaxation, sagging, not only the soft tissue of the passage, including bone atrophy. Artecoll is injectable prosthesis, the outer periosteum injection, only with injection products and morphological changes of skeletal bone extension. Repair the aging caused by the reduction of bone volume, repair the contours of aging, supporting the relaxation of muscle ligaments, so that the skin compact, enhance, plump, young.
具有其他注射材料無法比擬的支撐塑形功能,效果可永玖維持。臨床上常用於:去除鼻唇溝,隆鼻,豐下巴等面部塑形。With other injection materials unmatched support shaping function, the effect can be permanently maintained. Commonly used in clinical practice: the removal of nasolabial sulcus, nose, chin and other facial shaping.
Artecoll global security for 30 years, 15 years China
通過注射愛貝芙可輕鬆解決矮鼻問題,無創無痕,無需恢復期,因利用骨性延伸的功效,支撐力強,而且塑性效果更佳,維持時間更長久。是其他填充材料無法比擬的。Easily solve the problem by injection of Aibeifuke short nose, no scar, no recovery period, due to the use of bone stretching effect, strong supporting force, and the plastic effect is better, maintain for a longer time. Other filling materials can not be compared.
2平復鼻唇溝Nasolabial fold
隨著年齡增加,皺紋如期而至!注射愛貝芙後,刺激皮膚膠原蛋白再生,立即撫平鼻唇溝,消除衰老現象,瞬間呈現年輕狀態。With increasing age, wrinkles rujierzhi! After injection of Artecoll stimulate skin collagen regeneration, immediately smooth nasolabial fold, eliminate the phenomenon of aging, instantly look young.
注射後,不僅能能消除皮膚鬆弛現象,更可有效改善皮膚暗黃無光的情況,瓷肌皮膚膠原蛋白再生,使皮膚回復光澤,重現明亮透白。After the injection, not only can eliminate skin relaxation, can effectively improve the skin dark Huang Moguang, porcelain muscle regeneration of skin collagen, make skin shiny, bright and transparent white reproduction.
嚴格的授權醫院和授權醫師制度Strict authorized hospital and authorized physician system
愛貝芙的理念是提供蕞好的產品讓顧客獲得蕞好的效果,所以,愛貝芙在選擇合作夥伴時不僅對醫院的綜合實力有嚴格的要求,對醫生的注射要求也非常高,醫生必須要有非常專業的審美觀,同時注射層次結構必須非常精確,愛貝芙才能夠維持蕞好的效果。Ebergh's philosophy is to provide the best products for customers to achieve the best effect, so Ebergh in the choice of partners is not only on the overall strength of the hospital has strict requirements on the injection requires a doctor is very high, the doctor must have aesthetic very professional, at the same time injection hierarchy must be very precise, love Tony Fucai can maintain the best effect.
光澤醫學集團是經過愛貝芙官方嚴格審核通過的,也是指定注射機構。所以要告知各位,不要為了貪圖便宜而相信那些虛假的整形美容機構!!dr.shine After the official audit strictly through the Artecoll injection, as well as the designated agency. So to tell you, do not want to be cheap and believe that the plastic surgery institutions!!
Keep skin young moment
You are 10 years younger than your peers
Only for high-end crowd youth!